Saturday, 12 January 2013

Three hundred and fifty four

on Friday I ended up doing 7326 steps according to the pedometer, and Saturday 8400 - Saturday included a 3km run, so it means that the rest of the day was pretty inactive.
We reviewed our insurances and fire plan yesterday which was really good, but living in the bush and talking about the threat of bushfires and what we must do in the event makes me feel physically ill.
Last night I dreamt that I was working in a government organisation and that an old lady told me to look in the paper where they had been quoting me from The Gurge - I was horrified and scoured all of the newspapers in my dream but was unable to find any reference to the blog - hardly surprising as its not particularly newsworthy, but it made me uneasy.

I bought myself a present from ebay recently - a Nintendo DS and Animal Crossing its rather addictive and meditative

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