Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Three hundred and sixty four

Bloody Norah!
Back at work this morning.
I had every intention of rising early to go for a run before work this morning, however I was awake at 2am until about 4.30, so the alarm was not going to make any impact at all.
Not sure what woke me up at 2am, but whatever it was started off a chain of  pissed off thoughts about unrelated people and situations I can do nothing about, certainly not at 2am. At one moment, I found myself composing an imaginary conversation with someone who may or may not have done me wrong (depends on how you look at it) or may or may not be a ... bit of a prick...and how I might tell them so, should I ever get the chance, all the while knowing I would never say those things to that person, because I actually quite like them when all is said and done... see? Usefull, productive stuff to spend ruminating on in the wee small hours when you could be astral traveling.

So normally, the first day back at work after the Christmas break is pretty cruisy, innit? You know, organising your diary, getting your head around what needs to be done... tomorrow, catching up on emails and what not.
NUP. total freaking opposite. Yuck Yuck Yuck, I want to go back to bed.
I work in Disability Employment Services in rural Victoria and the organisation that I work with currently has lost the contract for disability employment from March this year, which means that a large portion of our employees are having their roles made redundant from then, including the role I currently hold as employment and quality manager. The organisation itself will survive with the social enterprise arm of the business and will continue to work closely with the incoming providers to ensure people with disabilities will have the same or better access to employment opportunities in this region blah blah bloo bloo all very good stuff.
I knew some of our employment consultants would be on leave at this time of year before we got the announcement and I also knew one of them was planning a move to the other side of the country, so I had lined up a team leader to join us along with a replacement consultant to be able to handle the caseloads effectively, however, I had to pull the pin on those placements when the news came through and try to manage a caseload of around 400 clients with a decreasing workforce of employment services staff. Which I might say, we are doing spectacularly well given the circumstances, but its a lot of work and strain on everyone running up to March.
When I said Yuck Yuck Yuck above, its because I am a melodramatic sook, not because the work I do is yucky or the people I work with are yucky, they are the opposite of yucky and I have the pleasure of working with people who really care about each other, not in a hippie nonsense way outlined in the book I am reading at the moment (Close Your Eyes) but in a 'give me a hug, you big sook' kinda way.

And meanwhile America is teetering on the edge of a fiscal cliff and I heard on Radio National this morning that the Republicans were pushing for cuts to social programs like Medicaid. I will let you guess my opinion on this one. In fact, I can't really have an opinion until I do more research, but it does make me think that the amendments made to the Corporations Act back in the early 2000's in Australia through the Financial Services Reform Act, as painful as it was at the time, were GOOD. Certainly taking the longview now, it seems to be a good thing. It took the HIH crash to make it happen (I think... please don't quote me on that), but bless us, we did something about it before it got to the magnitude that the US is experiencing - but you know... what happens there affects us here.

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